Welcome back to the Monday Sessions for 2024.
This week we will be led by The Little Céilí Band (Georgette, Eva, Erin and Brendan)
Session runs from 8:00-10:00pm
Entry $3 at the door (members $2)
Tea and coffee available at the break
Bar opens 7:45 pm
Roddy McCorley/ Mountains of Pomeroy/Centenary March BBS 62,63,64
Fred’s Favourite (Rakes of Mallow/ Davey Knick Knack/ Soldier’s Joy BBS 53, 54, 55)
Blackthorn Stick/Rakes of Kildare/Haste to the Wedding BBS 7,8,9
Joe Burke’s/ Over the Ocean/Saddle the Pony BBS 10,11,12
Off to California/Boys of Blue Hill/Harvest Home BBS 71,72,73
Sweet Forget Me Not/ Come Back Paddy Reilly / Spancil Hill (sheet)
Concertina/Cooley’s/Father Kelly’s Bk3 54,55,56
Siege of Ennis/Rose Tree/Bog Down in the Valley BBS 44,45,46
Maguire and Patterson/Perth Waltz Bk2 60/61
My Love is but a Lassie Yet/ Spanish Lady/ Marie’s Wedding (sheet)
St Anne’s Reel/Miss Monaghan (sheet)
South Wind/ Munster Cloak BBS 4/5
Scotland the Brave/ Kapunda Schottische (sheet)
Dashing White Sergeant/Staten Island/The Gallopede BBS
Pat Organ’s set BBS 35,36,37
O’Donnell Abu /Campaigners March Bk 274/75
Muckin of Geordies Byre/100 Pipers/Cock of the North Bk2 74/75/75
Glen Allen/Sally Gardens/ Merry Blacksmith Bk3 80/81/82
Fanny Power/Planxty Irwin (sheet)
Kesh Jig/Lark in the Morning (sheet)
Dunning’s Farewell (The Leaving of Liverpool/Bound for South Australia/Drunken sailor/My love is but a Lassie Yet) Bk2 48,49,50
The extra sheets can be found on the additional sheet music page under “Downloads”